Monday, March 11, 2013

Sharp Talk goes Blogging!

Welcome to Sharp Talk's (PNG) blog!

Took a long time coming but here it is. The Facebook page created by +Douveri Henao in 2011 has taken off as a major discussion page for Papua New Guineans who just need to vent their frustrations at state of affairs in their great State. ST has provided a forum where busy people can take few minutes off their schedules to get into a conversation about some event, issue or controversy that burns the headlines or the sidelines in PNG.

ST's growth as a leading talk group was largely due to the fact that it was the first real Facebook (fb) page that allowed PNG fb users to have online conversations. There were other groups at the time but they were either completely focused on specific areas of interest or simply belonged to groups that needed the exposure that fb provided.

Douveri knew there was a lack of real conversation about real important matters of State. Like mentioned elsewhere, rather than increasing the access to information, ST gives the us the much-craved access to conversation. So he created Sharp Talk, possibly not knowing where it would go.

Over the last two years Douveri has engaged a few people whom in his view would provide a good mix of people to administer the page. Rules and guidelines were put up to keep people in line in terms of their courtesy and respect towards each other. This hasn't been easy. But the admins have somehow managed to handle the massive number of "sharpies", but not as perfectly as some would like.

Anyway, so this blog will be used to keep the most valuable discussion. Some posts that get put up the fb page are of real good value, and it's a shame to have those discussions fade into oblivion. The blog might be able to help the admins keep track of some of the discussions and see them progress to some substantial output for the country.

We look forward to keeping the most valuable discussion alive through this blog.

Once again, on behalf of Douveri Henao and the Sharp Talk admin team,


Heavenise day!

ST Admin


  1. Thank you. It is the beginning of an era. Congratulations ST Admin. Well done.

  2. Impressive. Thanks for setting up this initiative, ST Admin. I'm with you all the way.

  3. Brilliant Idear. Thanks for that.

  4. This is fantastic and will go a long way as both a knowledge and idea bank for discussion which eventually may form part and parcel of getting the policy and decision makers and those in responsibile authorities to ensure those concerns are looked at and maximum attention is given. That attention is in the allocation of resources to the advancement of the people of this great Nation-PNG. Well done Sharpies and lets get those comments in very simple, neat, and conscisely written so people can understand and rather than name calling and throwing mud at others.
    Thanks onse again for Douveri Henao and the ST Admin. With you all the way

  5. This is an excellent medium. Good one.
